Monday, June 22, 2009

White House calls Walpin firing "An act of political courage." (Shooting The Watchdog)

Probably one of the most arrogant acts by this President: the firing of a non-political Inspector General, just because the IG found fraud committed by one of Obama's basketball "bro's".

To blatantly fire someone because he discovered your guy committed fraud? Reprehensible.
But who's going to call him on it? The state-run media? Of course it had to be Glenn Beck and Fox News. While 98% of the media is in love with him, including all the major networks, the Narcissist-In-Chief cannot stand ANYONE criticizing him, so while the media bows at his feet, there is no joy because Fox is still doing their job. And thank God they are.

Kudo's to Glenn Beck for having Walpin on the show to show his brilliance. You see, their second story, after they said he was "confused and disoriented" and that didn't hold water, was that he didn't fit in, and it was an "act of political courage" to fire him. I'll tell you what it was... the act of a tyrant. This President is so drunk with power, that he didn't even attempt to conceal this move.

If they're going to constantly keep changing their stories like they did on this one, and many others as well, I suggest they hire Jon Lovitz, the Liar from Saturday Night Live, to spin these stories... and then change them... yeah, that's the ticket. Whether it's a Republican or Democratic Administration that lies to you, a little humor makes it much more palatable. It's sort of like... vaseline??

1 comment:

  1. Yes,the Obama administration is a tyrannical regime and also wants totalitarian control. There was absolutely no reason for Walpin to be fired. Obama is just a Chicago thug transplanted to Washington D.C. I hope that Walpin files a lawsuit against Obama. The FBI are proving Walpin's concerns to be true. Well, Let's see what Constitutional right Obama infringes on today.
