As anyone in the media will tell you, this is a stupid, stupid woman. Hated by the National Organization of Women, any Democrat, some Republicans, the NAACP, all network news anchors, Hollywood, the Gay Mafia (same thing), and probably Ben and Jerry.
Do they criticize her policies No. They have no idea what her policies are... just that she's stupid, and has said stupid things... or was that Tina Fey?
I thought: some could make an argument that she does not have the skills honed to be a Vice-President. OK, that's a legitimate point. And maybe she doesn't have the required foreign policy experience yet (neither does BO). But stupid?
Before I looked up what made her so stupid, I decided to get a frame of reference. What made these other Governors so smart? I found out that the most respected states run by the true liberal geniuses for decades were Illinois, Michigan, New York and California. I also learned these states had the highest unemployment, illiteracy, crime, and were on the verge of bankruptcy, with productive taxpayers leaving their states in droves.
OK. Now knowing what I was up against, I decided to check out Sarah's dismal record.
And you liberals were right... by your standards this woman IS stupid. First Alaska is the only state without any kind of income or sales tax. Now that's just wrong! I then found out that because of the tough deals she negotiated with the oil companies, Alaska residents with at least one year in the state also receive an annual Alaska Permanent Fund dividend. The payout was $3,269 in 2008. From the left's viewpoint, that's really stupid... letting ignorant people spend their own money.
This year, Gov. Palin foolishly persuaded the Legislature to suspend one of the few taxes Alaskans do have to pay, the state's 8 cents a gallon gas tax. I know what you on the left are thinking: those funds could have been better spent going to Acorn or a good racist organization like La Raza, of which Judge Sotomayor is a proud member.
Last year her budget included setting aside $2 billion as savings. That's money that our California Legislature could have used to fund more health care and college tuition for illegals..
As if all that weren't enough, this stupid woman cut a half billion dollars worth of pork from the first two capital budgets the Legislature sent to her. The cuts were deeply unpopular with legislators of both parties. At her insistence however, the Legislature agreed to save, rather than spend, a total of about $7 billion of the oil windfall... shameful! Since 50% of high school grads can't read in Detroit, that kind of money could have been better spent for new welfare programs in Michigan.
So, all in all, I realized why the left thinks she's so stupid. Giving all that money back to the people... people making choices for themselves... having more money in their pockets to stimulate the economy... this is not the hope and change we can believe in.
And I know what you're all going to say... Alaska has natural resources that other states don't. First off, if you transplanted the New York State Legislature to Alaska, the state would be broke in a year. Second, we'll never know how other states would fare with those kind of advantages, because the environmentalist wackos won't let any of the other states look for any natural resources. Feinstein won't even allow solar panels and windmills in the Mojave Desert!
While researching this article, I realized I was now paying an outrageous DMV increase, one of the nation's highest sales taxes: 9.5%, and a huge state tax, which probably won't make a dent in that $50 Billion Dollar California state debt.
But I took it all in stride. Thank God we live in a state like California, and a stupid woman like Sarah Palin could never run the show!